Spot five planets in a line in the June night sky | Outdoors |

Publisher: Wyoming Tribune Eagle
Author: Marcy Curran For the Wyoming Tribune Eagle
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Firefly: The 5 Most Important Planets In The Show's Universe

Though television audiences only got to spend 10 episodes with Firefly , the series left quite the impression.

Only a handful of locations are visited in those properties, though many are referenced. Much of the show and the movie is simply set in the Firefly class spaceship, Serenity herself.

Publisher: Game Rant
Date: 2022-05-28T17:30:13Z
Author: Amanda Bruce
Twitter: @gamerant
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Gaia is an Even More Powerful Planet Hunter Than we Thought - Universe Today

Utilizing tools for purposes they weren't initially intended for is a strength of the astronomical community. Scrounging through data collected for one purpose and looking for hints of another seems to be a favorite pastime of many a professional astronomer.

Gaia's original mission was to track stars very carefully. Initially, it aimed to create a catalog of over 1 billion astronomical objects, including everything from quasars to asteroids. So far, it has far exceeded expectations by cataloging 1.8 billion stars alone.

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2022-05-28T15:06:41 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The most mysterious asteroids in the solar system | Mashable

Publisher: Mashable
Date: 2022-05-28T10:00:00 00:00
Author: Mark Kaufman
Twitter: @mashable
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A giant planet may have "escaped" from our solar system, study finds |

Although Pluto lost its status as " Planet Nine " when it was downgraded to dwarf planet, there is ample evidence that our solar system either had or currently has a large planet far beyond Pluto that may one day claim Pluto's former mantle and become the rightful ninth planet .

The hypothetical existence of a distant Planet Nine or "Planet X" remains contentious, but evidence continues to mount in its favor. Certainly, it would not be the first time a hypothetical planet was found.

Publisher: Salon
Date: 2022-05-27 20:23:20
Author: Eric Schank
Twitter: @Salon
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Own a Piece of Phantom Galaxies in the Planet Genesis Public Sale | Tech Times
Publisher: Tech Times
Date: 2022-05-27T22:20:00-04:00
Author: Jessel Thomas
Twitter: @TechTimes_News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Katherine Bradford | Under Orange Planets (2022) | Available for Sale | Artsy
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TOI-2046b, TOI-1181b and TOI-1516b, three new hot Jupiters from TESS: planets orbiting a young ...

Petr Kabáth, Priyanka Chaturvedi, Phillip J MacQueen, Marek Skarka, Ján Šubjak, Massimilliano Esposito, William D Cochran, Salvatore E Bellomo, Raine Karjalainen, Eike W Guenther, Michael Endl, Szilárd Csizmadia, Marie Karjalainen, Artie Hatzes, Jiří Žák, Davide Gandolfi, Henri M J Boffin, Jose I ...

Publisher: OUP Academic
Date: 2022-05-26
Author: Kab th Petr
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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