SpaceX Starlink vs. OneWeb: Starlink boasts a beta as OneWeb's constellation grows - TechRepublic

SpaceX Starlink vs. OneWeb: Starlink boasts a beta as OneWeb's constellation grows - TechRepublic

Satellite traffic in low-Earth orbit is on the rise as companies race to deliver internet connectivity from the final frontier. OneWeb plans to launch thousands of satellites to compete.

Bill Menezes, director analyst with Gartner Research, said OneWeb was not "the first satellite company to go through Chapter 11" explaining that Intelsat, Iridium, Speedcast and Satmex among others, reorganized via this process as many of these companies have "large debt burdens incurred to launch and expand their services."

Publisher: TechRepublic
Twitter: @TechRepublic
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Space Junk Removal Is Not Going Smoothly - Scientific American

A Space Age “tragedy of the commons” is unfolding right under our nose—or, really, right over our head—and no consensus yet exists on how to stop it. For more than a half-century, humans have been hurling objects into low-Earth orbit in ever growing numbers. And with few meaningful limitations on further launches into that increasingly congested realm, the prevailing attitude has been persistently permissive: in orbit, it seems, there is always room for one more.

Publisher: Scientific American
Author: Leonard David
Twitter: @sciam
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New "Echo Hill Station" art walk project to be dedicated May 4 | The Gazette

On Tuesday, May 4, at 11 a.m., the Marion-East Cedar Rapids Rotary Club will dedicate its "Echo Hill Station" Lowe Park Art Walk project. The public is welcome.

The role of our local communities in the exploration of space is often underappreciated. Our friends, neighbors and families as part of outstanding companies and educational institutions led the way in the development of space communications and the understanding of our universe. With the 50th Anniversary of the Marion-East Cedar Rapids Rotary Club and humanity's first steps on the moon, the club, inspired by the Arthur A.

Twitter: @gazettedotcom
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UAE sets new ambitious timeline for launch of moon rover

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The United Arab Emirates' space center announced Wednesday a more ambitious timeline for sending its first rover to the moon.

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center said it is partnering with Japan's ispace company to send a rover to the moon on an unmanned spacecraft by 2022, rather than 2024.

The "Rashid" rover, named after Dubai's ruling family, will deploy to the moon using ispace's lunar lander. The company will also provide the mission with wireless communication on the lunar surface.

Publisher: WKMG
Date: 2021-04-14T16:01:22.921Z
Author: Associated Press
Twitter: @WKMG
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From wood cabin to orbiting Earth: How Yuri Gagarin's improbable journey into space defined a

On 12 April 1961, his Vostok-1 spacecraft blasted off from its launch pad in the desert of Soviet Kazakhstan, propelling the 27-year-old more than 100 miles into the sky, and landing him in the history books as the first man to orbit the planet. The voyage turned the cosmonaut into an international superstar, and struck a decisive blow in the bitter technological race being fought between Cold War rivals the United States and the USSR.

However, while Gagarin’s flight became an inspiration to millions across the world, and an immense source of pride for Moscow, the odds were stacked against the young pilot ever making it into space in the first place. His chances of making it back safely were even slimmer.

Publisher: RT International
Date: 2021-04-12T07:19:24 00:00
Author: Russia Today
Twitter: @RT_com
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NASA's Mars helicopter gets ready to make history

NASA is nearly ready to attempt the first flight on another planet. The space agency's small helicopter, called Ingenuity, has been deposited in a flat area on Mars, and it is running through a series of final tests before it tries to lift into the thin Martian air.  

Ingenuity's first flight was originally slated for April 11, but the mission hit a snag during a pre-flight test. While trying to spin the helicopter's rotors at full speed without leaving the ground, Ingenuity's onboard computer ended the test early. NASA says the helicopter is safe and communicating with Earth. The team plans to update the software on the helicopter and "will set a flight date next week," according to a NASA status update .

Publisher: Science
Date: 04-12-2021
Twitter: @NatGeo
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Weird 'blue' dunes speckle the surface of Mars in NASA photo | Space

The gorgeous photo from NASA's Odyssey orbiter released April 8 reveals the extreme and varying temperatures in a sea of dunes at Mars' northern polar cap, which are formed into long and weaving lines by winds over time. The Red Planet does not actually have blue patches; the blue regions in this false-color image represent colder areas, and warmer features are seen as a yellowish-orange color, NASA officials said.

The image depicts an area about 19 miles (30 kilometers) wide, but the total scope of dunes at Mars' northern polar cap stretches out much farther, covering an area the size of Texas.

Date: 2021-04-14T11:13:30 00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins' Scientific Journey Aboard the ISS | NASA
Publisher: NASA
Date: 2021-04-08T15:49-04:00
Twitter: @11348282
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Telesat catching up in LEO race |

A second threat is OneWeb, a UK/India joint venture which has more than 100 satellites in orbit, and promising a service introduction to northern latitudes towards the end of this year.

A third threat is Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man and backer of Amazon. Bezos – like Musk – is building his own rockets but all is quiet on his Project Kuiper low Earth orbiting system.

Telesat has more than a few advantages. It has a long history of successfully operating satellites, albeit the higher orbiting geo-stationary versions. It also has a portfolio of clients. Moreover, it has the backing of Canada's government.

Author: Editor
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