Fargo's most famous UFO sighting happened in the skies above a Bison football game | INFORUM

Publisher: INFORUM
Twitter: @INFORUM
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Quite a lot has been going on:

From Covid-19 dropping from space to plausible 'paradox-free time travel' | Wild space theories

It is always scientists versus scientists or a theory against another theory, especially when it comes to space and universe. As the novel coronavirus pandemic plunged the world into a crisis, several theories -- related to the origin, sustainability, and effects of the deadly virus -- sprouted. Not just this. Claims of UFO sightings and the existence of aliens in some corner of a galaxy were among other revelations that amazed the world in 2020.

Publisher: India Today
Date: 2020-12-17T10:38:40 05:30
Twitter: @indiatoday
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Artist or aliens? Mystery surrounds Utah monolith's appearance and disappearance

Members of the Utah Department of Public Safety's Aero Bureau were assisting Wildlife Resources in a routine count of bighorn sheep on Nov. 18 when they spotted the monolith — a tall, metallic reflective structure that clearly had been placed there.

* * *

The Public Safety Department admitted that it didn't know who — or what — installed the monolith, and it wouldn't even tell the public where, exactly, in the large and remote southeastern corner of the state the structure stood.

Publisher: NBC News
Date: Tue Dec 01 2020 11:35:00 GMT 0000 UTC
Twitter: @NBCNews
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Exploring the wild and weird world of the Desert Oracle | KRQE News 13

MYSTERY WIRE — Throughout history, seers and mystics have sought refuge in the desert for solitude, wisdom, and sometimes, madness. But one man seems to have found his groove in the barren wilderness.

His name is Ken Layne but might be better known now as the desert oracle. Layne has spent years exploring American deserts and telling the stories of colorful characters, magical tales, and mystical encounters.

Layne had a successful career in the world of high tech but felt the pull of the desert and never looked back. He now publishes the Desert Oracle.

Publisher: KRQE News 13 Albuquerque - Santa Fe
Date: 2020-12-16T00:35:52 00:00
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Many things are taking place:

Aliens in 2020: Pentagon report on UAP to UFO sightings in UK, 10 speculations this year

The year, which was often labelled as the 'most bizarre' by the internet users posed unprecedented challenges. From COVID-19 pandemic to misinformation campaigns and other disasters, 2020 bombarded people across the globe with unimaginable situations. To top it all, there was also an increasingly high level of talks about 'aliens taking over Earth'.

A never-seen-before picture of a suspected unidentified flying object (UFO) was leaked after the existence of two Pentagon reports on 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena' (UAP) emerged earlier this year. According to The Debrief, which talked to US military and intelligence officers, there are two classified reports on UAP that are being widely circulated in the US intelligence community. The content of the reports even included the leaked picture that is now going viral on social media.

Publisher: Republic World
Date: 46255256F7B435C502CFADCCBD97D1C9
Author: Republic World
Twitter: @republic
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Tucker Carlson Talks Underwater UFOs: 'We've Never Imagined Something Like That'

As he so often does, Tucker Carlson talked about aliens and UFOs again Tuesday night. But this time there’s a new wrinkle: these UFOs can fly not just in the air, but also underwater.

“A new report from American intelligence confirms something that’s been rumored for a while. Late last year a US Navy F/A-18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena,” Tucker said excitedly.

Publisher: TheWrap
Date: 2020-12-16T03:43:19 00:00
Author: Phil Owen
Twitter: @thewrap
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UFO sighting: Leaked Pentagon UFO photos show a Batman balloon, internet argues | Weird | News |

And according to a report published by the US Defense Department’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), the UFO was seen hovering some 35,000ft over the Atlantic on the US East Coast.

One Twitter user said: "Maaaan the Pentagon pretty much confirmed the existence of UFOs this year and none of my friends seem to care tf."

Another person said: "The strangest part of 2020 is that the Pentagon directly confirmed that UFOs exist and nobody is talking about it."

Publisher: Express.co.uk
Date: 2020-12-15T20:38:04 00:00
Author: Sebastian Kettley
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Former Israeli space chief says US in contact with 'galactic federation' of aliens and Trump knows

Israel's former director of space programs for the country's ministry of defense claimed the U.S. and Israel have been in contact with extraterrestrials representing a "galactic federation," and President Donald Trump has been on the verge of revealing the information.

Eshed told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper that “humanity is not ready,” for the public disclosure of extraterrestrials who he claims currently are in talks with government agencies on our planet.

Publisher: FOX 11 Los Angeles
Date: 2020-12-16
Twitter: @foxla
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source


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