SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA "Dad, did you ever imagine that your formula would become so famous?" I ask the kind-eyed, 91-year-old person next to me on the patio. My dad, Frank Drake, is quiet for a moment. Perhaps he's thinking back to the November day 60 years ago when he unceremoniously drafted a formula that went on to shape humankind's hunt for extraterrestrial civilizations. Publisher: Science Date: 11-30-2021 Twitter: @NatGeo Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Mysterious origin of Earth's water may be explained by solar wind | New Scientist The sun's solar wind may have played a key part in delivering water to Earth, solving a vexing mystery about where our planet's seas and oceans came from. Studies of meteorites have found them to be surprisingly rich in water, suggesting that early in our planet's history 4.6 billion years ago, incoming asteroids delivered water and allowed Earth to become the h...
World UFO Day, which is celebrated by some on January 24 and on July 2 by others, aims to raise awareness about ETs and UFO sightings. Celebrations typically take the form of sky-watching parties, seminars and discussion groups focused on the greatest question of them all: Are we alone in the Universe? Publisher: Date: 2021-06-29T21:04:21 01:00 Author: Sebastian Kettley Reference: (Read more) Visit Source NASA official Bill Nelson says we are not alone in the universe after reviewing declassified Nelson's statement comes just days after the Pentagon was unable to offer an explanation for UFOs spotted by US military personnel in a newly-declassified report released on Friday, which confirmed at least 144 cases of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) sightings. 'Yes, I've seen the classified report. It says basically what we thought. Publisher: Mail Online Date: 2021-06-28T21:29:42 0100 Author: M...
Avi Loeb: Two things. In 2017, there was an object — the first one that was identified from outside the solar system that arrived close to Earth — and it didn't look like anything we've seen before. It didn't look like a comet, it didn't behave like an asteroid. Loeb: Yes. And I thought maybe it's artificial in origin. And, in fact, I wrote a book about it, Extraterrestrial, that was published six months ago. And then a month ago, there was a report delivered to Congress saying: there are things in the sky above the U.S. whose nature is not identified. Publisher: News Date: 2021-08-03T01:19:42.532 Author: https www wgbh org news people arun rath Twitter: @wgbhnews Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Patty's Triangle Remains Among Michigan's Most Baffling UFO Sightings Nobody really knows. Unofficially, it's called Patty's Triangle because a woman named Patty Blackburn caught it on camera on June 14, 2...
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