
Showing posts from August, 2021

Watch as the Moon blots out bright stars – Astronomy Now

Watching a bright star disappearing or reappearing from occultation behind the Moon's limb is always an exciting observation to make. On 1/2 September (Wednesday evening/Thursday morning), Mebsuta (epsilon Geminorum) takes centre stage, reappearing at the Moon's dark limb. In the early hours of 2 September, the Moon is a waning, 24.5-day-old crescent when it rises in Gemini at about 12.30am BST. Reference: (Read more) Visit Source America's forgotten plans to reach the moon | Space Humanity has long fantasized about going to the moon , but it was only in the 19th century that writers like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells began to think about using technology to make this dream a reality. The USAF desired to be at the forefront of developing rocketry and spacecraft, feeling the urgent need to respond to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik 1 on Oct. 4, 1957. In January 1958, USAF Brigadier General Homer A. Publisher: D...

Deflecting an asteroid before it hits Earth may take multiple bumps | The Seattle Times

There's probably a large space rock out there, somewhere, that has Earth in its crosshairs. Scientists have, in fact, spotted one candidate: Bennu, which has a small chance of banging into our planet in the year 2182. For almost 20 years, a team of researchers has been preparing for such a scenario. Using a specially designed gun, they've repeatedly fired projectiles at meteorites and measured how the space rocks recoiled and, in some cases, shattered. Publisher: The Seattle Times Date: 2021-08-28 17:17:00 Twitter: @seattletimes Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Geologists propose theory about a famous asteroid The asteroid Vesta is the second largest asteroid in our solar system. With a diameter of about 330 miles, it orbits the sun between the planets Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids have long played a part in building popular fascination with space. “Marooned off Vesta” was the first story published by American writer Isaac Asimo...

Star Trek: Voyager's Tim Russ helped NASA detect Patroclus, an asteroid orbiting Jupiter

AUGUST 30, 2021 - Star Trek actor Tim Russ is no longer a crewmember on the U.S.S. Voyager, but he still has his eyes on the skies. Russ and five other citizen astronomers were recently credited with aiding NASA in the detection of Patroclus, one of the Trojan asteroids orbiting the planet Jupiter. Publisher: Daily Star Trek News Date: 2021-08-30T19:03:39-0700 Author: Chris Peterson Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Alien 'Dyson spheres' could be harvesting the power of black holes | Space Technologically-savvy aliens could be powering their society using a hypothetical megastructure called a Dyson sphere to harvest energy from a black hole . During a coffee break, astronomer Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and his colleagues read a paper about Dyson spheres and began wondering if it were possible to build one around a black hole instead of a star. Publisher: Dat...

Solar System’s Fastest-Orbiting Asteroid Discovered – Orbits the Sun in Just 113 Days

Solar System's Fastest-Orbiting Asteroid Discovered – Orbits the Sun in Just 113 Days An artist’s conception of the newly discovered asteroid 2021 PH27, which has the shortest known orbital period for an asteroid and second shortest for any object in our Solar System after Mercury. Illustration by Katherine Cain courtesy of the Carnegie Institution for Science. The Sun has a new neighbor that was hiding in plain twilight. An asteroid that orbits the Sun in just 113 days—the shortest known orbital period for an asteroid and second shortest for any object in our Solar System after Mercury—was discovered by Carnegie’s Scott S. Publisher: SciTechDaily Date: 2021-08-30T13:15:46-07:00 Author: Mike O Reference: (Read more) Visit Source A quarter of Sun-like stars eat their own planets, according to new research Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, and formerly Research Fellow, Monash University ...