
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Robot Smiled Back: Engineers Use AI to Teach Robots to Make Appropriate Reactive Human Facial

While our facial expressions play a huge role in building trust, most robots still sport the blank and static visage of a professional poker player. With the increasing use of robots in locations where robots and humans need to work closely together, from nursing homes to warehouses and factories, the need for a more responsive, facially realistic robot is growing more urgent. Long interested in the interactions between robots and humans, researchers in the Creative Machines Lab at Columbia Engineering have been working for five years to create EVA, a new autonomous robot with a soft and expressive face that responds to match the expressions of nearby humans. The research will be presented at the ICRA conference on May 30, 2021, and the robot blueprints are open-sourced on Hardware-X (April 2021). Publisher: SciTechDaily Date: 2021-05-30T21:04:34-07:00 Author: Mike O Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Data center project to test crop-picking

China completes another part of its own space station

GUANGZHOU, China — China has completed another major part of its own space station, the latest in a string of ambitious extraterrestrial projects from the world's second-largest economy. The Long March 7 rocket carrying the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft took off at 8:55 p.m. local time on Saturday from the Wenchang launch site, according to the China Manned Space agency. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Tianzhou-2 docked with the core module of the space station called Tianhe. Publisher: CNBC Date: 2021-05-31T06:05:53 0000 Author: https www facebook com CNBC Twitter: @CNBC Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Troy Reimink: UFOs are real. So now what? | News | Suddenly everyone, from politicians to military personnel to intelligence officials to mainstream media outlets, seems to be talking about unidentified flying objects. Long considered a punchline, UFOs are now openly discussed as both a scientific cur

UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists

While UFOs are often synonymous with aliens in pop culture, those who study the phenomenon say UFOs should be understood by their literal name: unidentified flying objects. Once identified, they may have a mundane explanation — weather balloons, drones or the planet Venus. That's led people like Drezner to conclude more bluntly: "What I do know is that UFOs exist … we can't ignore this any more," he said. The view has been thrust into the spotlight recently, with news that an unclassified Pentagon report on UFOs is soon headed to Congress. Publisher: USA TODAY Author: Joel Shannon Reference: (Read more) Visit Source UFO intelligence report due next month after military sightings, including off Virginia coast | RICHMOND, Va (WRIC) — An intelligence report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, commonly referred to as UFOs, is due to Congress next month, weeks after widespread renewed interest in the unexplained sightings.

Joe Biden knows about UFOs and aliens, conspiracy theorist claims with video proof - IBTimes India

Joe Biden knows about UFOs and aliens, conspiracy theorist claims with video proof - IBTimes India It was around a few days back that former US president Barack Obama shared his views on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), popularly known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs) among the general public.  While appearing in The Late Late Show with James Corden on CBS, Obama claimed that the US authorities are clueless about UFOs, and he made it clear that predicting the trajectory of these flying objects is impossible.  "What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they move, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that people still take seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is," said Obama.  Publisher: IBTimes India Date: 2021-05-27T22:53:55 05:3

Astronomy: Space travel possible for an astronomical price

Are you a bit stir-crazy from being cooped up this past year? Have you been saving your money for a nice long trip? Well, one company is selling tickets for a ride into outer space this fall. And it will only cost about $250,000. On May 22, Virgin Galactic had a successful test of its first rocket shuttle, the VSS Unity, to the very top of the atmosphere. The Unity was ferried up to high altitude by the Virgin Mothership (a misnomer if I ever heard one), then released. With rockets on, the Unity went 55 miles above Earth's surface, with just two pilots on board. For comparison, a jet airliner can go up to about 20 miles high. Publisher: The Columbus Dispatch Author: Kenneth Hicks Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Civilians From All Over the World Are Racing to Take Part in Space Competitions The crew will orbit Earth every 90 minutes along a customized flight path — but the journey will be carefully monitored by mission control, acco

NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured amazing images of clouds on Mars - The Verge

NASA's Curiosity rover has captured images of clouds on Mars— as described in its blog post : "wispy puffs filled with ice crystals that scattered light from the setting sun, some of them shimmering with color." According to NASA clouds are rare in the thin atmosphere of Mars, but usually form at its equator during its coldest time of year. Scientists noticed that last year — two years ago in Earth time— there were clouds beginning to form earlier than expected, so this year they were ready. Publisher: The Verge Date: 2021-05-29T17:18:10-04:00 Author: Kim Lyons Twitter: @verge Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Mars helicopter endures stressful 6th flight, but survives to tell the tale - CNN Publisher: CNN Date: 2021-05-28T10:38:48Z Author: Ashley Strickland CNN Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Full Page Reload Publisher: IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News Twit