Scientists avenge Pluto, claim 150 planets in our solar system
Perhaps it's the knowledge of this near hopeless case that recently prompted a group of scientists to apparently throw up their hands and give their go-for-broke demand of "Screw it. We don't just want Pluto back, we want another 150 goddamn planets added to the list." A "planet," by their definition, is "any geologically active" body in space, which not only would rope Pluto back into the fold, but also moons like Europa, Enceladus and Titan, as well as the asteroid, Ceres. All in all, about 150 new "planets" to add to the existing eight. Publisher: The A.V. Club Date: 2021-12-30T17:15:00.779Z Twitter: @theavclub Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Let's get building (some terrestrial planets)! | astrobites Authors: Christoph Burkhardt, Fridolin Spitzer, Alessandro Morbidelli, Gerrit Budde, Jan H Render, Thomas S Kruijer, Thorsten Kleine When you wake up in the morning, w...