Astronomers Show How “Tatooine” Planets Form in Binary Systems Without Getting Crushed
Astronomers have developed the most realistic model to date of planet formation in binary star systems. “Planet formation in binary systems is more complicated, because the companion star acts like a giant eggbeater, dynamically exciting the protoplanetary disc.” — Roman Rafikov Publisher: SciTechDaily Date: 2021-07-31T09:31:28-07:00 Author: Mike O Reference: (Read more) Visit Source Peculiar Planets Prefer Perpendicular Paths - Eos Just like the planets of our solar system, most exoplanets tend to orbit their star in the same direction that the star spins. But when they don't, exoplanet orbits overwhelmingly prefer to be perpendicular. When seeking to explain strange exoplanet phenomena , the most useful point of comparison is our own solar system. We know more about it than any other of the thousands of planetary systems discovered to date. Publisher: Eos Date: Est. reading time Twitter: @AGU_Eos ...